We certainly have a lot to be thankful for, and that list should start off this year with THANK YOU GINGER AND JON FOR COMING TO VISIT US! After 11 months without seeing anyone in my family, the sight of Ginger showing up at the airport in San Jose for a visit was wonderful! And so our Thanksgiving blog is a little late in coming, since the past 9 days they have been keeping us busy running all over Costa Rica and then we've been in the middle of nowhere without electricity for a few days. But in no particular order, here’s a thanks list that I’m sure is not even close complete as we are some very fortunate people.
Our families; their loving support and for just being amazing people.
Our friends, also wonderful and supportive.
The fact that our camera lasted as long as it did (it just died)
The incredible projects we have found to do in different countries during our travels.
Our health (One entire month without runny belly!)
That we still find so much pleasure in the little things nature has to show us, no matter how many times we see the shy ferns or the leaf cutter ants, we always stop to marvel.
The automatic friends we have just by the fact we, too, were PCVs.
That we have the means to be living out our dreams and be helping others.
The hospitality of strangers. (Our new host families including those in Couch Surfing that open up their homes and their lives to us with no expectations in return, the people that pick up the funny looking Gringos with the huge backpacks on the side of the road and often go out of their way to get us where we are going, new community members that invite us over and cook us dinner, people that go above and beyond to give us directions, people we have amazing conversations with in the strangest of places, fellow volunteers, fellow backpackers, kind hearts and old souls)