Our tears of sadness and frustration with the new setback to the project turned into tears of humility for the greatness of these people. Believe it or not, they were the ones telling us not to worry, it’d all be alright. Within the same day the road was cleared, the pipe was fixed and within two days there was a beautiful wall replacing the older dilapidated one. This time the wall was supported by strong trees with root systems that will only get stronger over time. The whole process was amazing. This is just a small example of how wonderful a capable these people are.
Although La Florida’s history is amazing as well, I will not go to much into it here, But basically this group
Please check out The GROW Initiative Site to read more about the project and the history of La Florida.
In the past five weeks we have spent with these wonderful people, we have worked along side them in their fields, their schools and on the aquaculture project. All of our meals were shared in different families’ homes, usually by candlelight, continually laughing with the numerous children as the dogs and chickens weave in-between our feet hoping we might drop some scraps. We have traveled with them in the back of pickups and hiked with them many times in the pouring rain the half hour from the “main” dirt road to farm. We have spent most of this time without electricity as their hydroelectric generator is the only source and seldom works. In these types of circumstances you get to know people pretty quickly. Yet every day we are more and more amazed at the accomplishments of this group.
There are many people to thank that contributed to our efforts in this big project. As La Florida has a burgeoning cultural tourism project there are the occasional groups and individuals passing through. Those that were there over the course of the project helped greatly- whether carrying loads of dirt from the soon-to-be pond or clearing weeds for the garden. So thank you to the volunteers ranging from a group from Canada to those from Portugal to New Zeland. Of course thank you as well to the generous donors to The GROW Initiative, without whom the projects we were able to accomplish here would not have been possible. But for the work on this project and for everything else, the biggest thanks must go out to the community of La Florida, the people who are now a second family to us. Not only was it the hard physical labor which everyone from the kids to the president of the community helped with, but for the ideas and insights. From the start we emphasized to them that the project was not for The GROW Initiative, it was a project of the community and we were merely there to facilitate; and that is how it was.
As you can see by our photos the children here have this light within them and can lift anyone out of a bad mood with one of their smiles or laughs. Walking down the street we would be greeted warmly by everyone we saw, feeling not as an outsider but as a true part of the community. Leaving La Florida we had tears in our eyes as we pulled away, riding in back a pick-up as always. Things we miss are still coming to us, but mostly it is just the warmth of the people. Being in such capable hands, we know the projects we started there will continue on, just getting better and bigger with time. We look forward to going back someday and feasting on some tilapia raised in the aquaculture pond! Until then, we will have the photos to remember everyone by and stay in touch always. And if you ever find yourself in Guatemala, go to La Florida, you’ll be glad you did.
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