Our first impressions of Costa Rica were a bit of a shock- no big fresh food markets, no street food vendors, nice buses, more expensive everything, people looking at me funny when I eat a perfectly good cheeto off the ground! Are we even in Central America still? We still enjoyed our jaunts to the touristy places of Arenal and La Fortuna, swimming in beautiful rivers in the shadow of a towering smoking volcano, but what we’ve really been enjoying is more “life in the campo.” So this has to start with a big thanks to my friend Emily, from back in Sem
We’ve had the chance to hold many charlas (special teaching sessions) with the kids from the local school, as well as with the Women’s Group and individual things like going to someone’s house to show them how to make their own fresh yogurt. Being in a place with lots of cows, and living with a family that has a dairy farm, we haven’t been lacking for fresh milk and so made cheese, cream, butter, ice cream… it's been great for keeping in line with our love of creating in the kitchen. When we haven’t been concocting things for our family, we’ve been eating their delicious cooking, though
Nights of playing their form of checkers, being challenged to arm wrestling, helping cement in a new sugar cane press in the back, get fish from the tilapia pond, teaching English classes… we have not been lacking things to do. We are thankful to have seen the real side of Costa Rica, the way the people live their day to day lives and to get to be a part of that.
So there’s something to be said for going slow (as you can see we’re only in CR after nearly 11 months of travel) and unpacking the backpack. We’re hitting the road again but are going to check out some more places that sound great, like two other fincas in southern Costa Rica- maybe we’ll fall in love with those too and unpack for a little while there…
Wha' gwaan!!! I just want to say that you guys are truly amazing. I am jealous and in awe of how you have made friends and family in so many countries. I wish you all the best as you continue your travels. I love reading your blog posts and can't wait to hear more, hopefully soon. Take care and walk good!- Juli